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Netflix is predominantly a Java shop.
Every backend application at Netflix is a Java application. This includes:
Internal applications
The software that powers one of the largest film studios in the world and is used to produce movies
The Netflix streaming app
However, this doesn’t mean that the Java stack at Netflix is static. Over the years, it has evolved significantly.
In this post, we will look at the evolution of Java usage at Netflix in light of the overall architectural changes that have taken place to support the changing requirements.
The Groovy Era with BFFs
It’s common knowledge that Netflix has a microservice architecture.
Every piece of functionality and data is owned by a microservice and there are thousands of microservices. Also, multiple microservices communicate with each other to realize some of the more complex functionalities.
For example, when you open the Netflix application, you see the LOLOMO screen. Here, LOLOMO stands for list-of-list-of-movies and it is essentially built by fetching data from many microservices such as:
Service that returns a list of top 10 movies
Artwork service that provides personalized images for each movie
Movie metadata service that returns the movie titles, actor details, and descriptions
LOLOMO service that provides what lists to actually render for a user’s home page.
The below diagram shows this situation.
It’s quite possible that rendering just one screen on the Netflix app may involve calling 10 services.
However, calling so many services from your device (such as the television) or mobile app is typically inefficient. Making 10 network calls doesn’t scale and results in a poor customer experience. Many streaming apps suffer from such performance issues.
To avoid these issues, Netflix used a single front door for the various APIs. The device makes a call to this front door that performs the fanout to all the different microservices. The front door acts as a gateway and Netflix used Zuul for this purpose.
This approach works because the call to the multiple microservices takes place on the internal network which is very fast, thereby eliminating the performance implications.
However, there was another problem to solve.
All of the different devices users can use to access Netflix have different requirements in subtle ways. While Netflix tried to keep a consistent look and feel for the UI and its behavior on every device, each device still has different limitations when it comes to memory or network bandwidth and therefore, loads data in slightly different ways.
It’s hard to create a single REST API that can work on all these different devices. Some of the problems are as follows:
REST APIs Either fetch too much or too little data
Even if they created one REST API to take care of all data needs, it was going to be a bad experience because they would be wasting a lot of data
In the case of multiple APIs, it would mean multiple network calls
To handle this, Netflix used the backend for frontend (BFF) pattern.
In this pattern, every frontend or UI gets its own mini backend. The mini backend is responsible for performing the fanout and fetching the data that the UI needs at that specific point.
The below diagram depicts the concept of the BFF pattern.
In the case of Netflix, the BFFs were essentially a Groovy script for a specific screen on a specific device.
The scripts were written by UI developers since they knew what exact data they needed to render a particular screen. Once written, the scripts were deployed on an API server and performed the fanout to all the different microservices by calling the appropriate Java client libraries. These client libraries were wrappers for either a gRPC service or a REST client.
The below diagram shows this setup.
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The Use of RxJava and Reactive Programming
The Groovy scripts helped perform the fanout.
But doing such a fanout in Java is not trivial. The traditional approach was to create a bunch of threads and try to manage the fanout using minimal thread management.
However, things got complicated quickly because of fault tolerance. When dealing with multiple services, you can have one of them not responding quickly enough or failing, resulting in a situation where you’ve to clean up threads and make sure things work properly.
This is where RxJava and reactive programming helped Netflix handle fanouts in a better way by taking care of all the thread management complexity.
On top of RxJava, Netflix created a fault-tolerant library named Hystrix that took care of failover and bulkheading. Even though reactive programming was complicated, it made a lot of sense for the time and the architecture allowed them to serve most of the traffic needs of Netflix.
However, there were some important limitations to this approach:
There was a script for each endpoint resulting in a lot of scripts to maintain and manage
UI developers had to create all the mini backends and they didn’t like working in the Groovy Java space with RxJava. It’s not the primary language they use on a daily basis that makes things difficult
Reactive programming is generally hard and has a steep learning curve.
The Move to GraphQL Federation
Over the last few years, Netflix has been migrating to a completely new architecture when it comes to its Java services. The centerpiece of this new architecture is GraphQL Federation.
When you compare GraphQL to REST, the major difference is that GraphQL always has a schema. This schema helps define some key aspects such as:
All the operations along with the various queries and mutations
Fields available from the types that are being returned from the queries
For example, in the case of Netflix, you may have a query for all the shows that return a show type. It has a show as a title and also contains reviews, which may be another type.
With GraphQL, the client has to be explicit about the field selection. You can’t just ask for shows and get all the data from shows. Instead, you have to specifically mention that you want to get the title of the show and the score of various reviews. If you don’t ask for a field, you won’t get the field.
With REST, this was the opposite because you get whatever the REST service decides to send.
While it’s more work for the client to specify the query in GraphQL, it solves the whole problem around over-fetching where you get a lot more data than you might actually need. This paves the way to create one API that can serve all the different UIs.
To augment GraphQL, Netflix went one step further and used GraphQL Federation to fit it back into their microservices architecture.
The below diagram shows the setup with GraphQL Federation.
As you can see, the microservices are now called DGS or Domain Graph Service.
DGS is an in-house framework developed by Netflix to build GraphQL services. When they started moving to GraphQL and GraphQL Federation, there wasn’t any Java framework that was mature enough to use at the Netflix scale. Therefore, they built on top of the low-level GraphQL Java framework and augmented it with features like code generation for schema types and support for federation.
At its core, a DGS is just a Java microservice with a GraphQL endpoint and a schema.
While there are multiple DGSs, there’s just one big GraphQL schema from the perspective of a device such as the TV. This schema contains all the possible data that can be rendered. The device doesn’t need to worry about all the different microservices that are part of the schema in the backend.
For example, the LOLOMO DGS can define a type show with just the title. Then, the images DGS can extend that type show and add an artwork URL to it. The two different DGSs don’t know anything about each other. All they need to do is publish their schema to the federated gateway. The federated gateway knows how to talk to a DGS because all of them have a GraphQL endpoint.
There are several advantages to this setup:
There’s no API duplication anymore.
There is no need for a backend-for-frontend (BFF) because GraphQL as an API is flexible enough to support different devices due to the field selection feature.
No need for any server-side development by UI engineers. The backend developers and the UI developers just collaborate on the schema.
There is no need for any client libraries in Java anymore. This is because the federated gateway knows how to talk to a generic GraphQL service without the need to write specific code.
Java Versions at Netflix
Recently, Netflix has migrated from Java 8 to Java 17. After the migration, they saw about 20% better CPU usage on Java 17 versus Java 8 without any code changes. This was because of improvements in the G1 garbage collector. At the scale of Netflix, a 20% better CPU utilization is a big deal in terms of cost benefits.
Contrary to popular belief, Netflix doesn’t have its own JVM. They’re just using the Azul Zulu JVM which is an OpenJDK build.
Overall, Netflix has around 2800 Java applications that are mostly microservices of varying sizes. Also, they have around 1500 internal libraries. Some of them are actual libraries while many of them are just client libraries sitting in front of a gRPC or REST service.
For the build system, Netflix relies on Gradle. On top of Gradle, they use Nebula which is a set of open-source Gradle plugins. The most important aspect of Nebula is in the resolution of libraries. Nebula helps with version locking that helps with reproducible builds.
More recently, Netflix has been actively testing and rolling out changes with Java 21. Comparing the move from Java 8 to Java 17, it’s significantly easy to go from Java 17 to 21. Java 21 also provides a few important features such as:
Virtual threads allow server-side applications written in a thread-per-request style to scale at optimal hardware utilization. In a thread-per-request style, a request comes and the server provides a thread for it. All of the work for the request happens in this thread
An updated ZGC garbage collector that focuses on low pause times and works well in a broader variety of use cases.
Data-oriented programming with a combination of records and pattern-matching
Use of Spring Boot at Netflix
Netflix is famous for its use of Spring Boot.
In the last year or so, they have completely moved out of their homegrown Java stack based on Guice and completely standardized on Spring Boot.
Why Spring Boot?
It’s the most popular Java framework and has been very well maintained over the years.
Netflix found a lot of benefits in leveraging the huge open-source community of the Spring framework, existing documentation, and training opportunities that are easily available. The evolution of Spring and its features align very well with the core Netflix principle of “highly aligned, loosely coupled”.
Netflix uses the latest version of OSS Spring Boot and their goal is to stay as close as possible to the open source community. However, to integrate closely with the Netflix ecosystem and infrastructure, they have also created Spring Boot Netflix which is a bunch of modules built on top of Spring Boot.
Spring Boot Netflix has support for several things such as:
gRPC client
Server support integrated with the Netflix SSO stack for AuthZ and AuthN
Observability in the form of tracing, metrics, and distributed logging
HTTP clients that support mTLS
Service discovery with Eureka
AWS/Titus integration
Kafka, Cassandra and Zookeeper integration
There’s no singular Netflix stack.
The Netflix Java stack has been evolving over the last several years, beginning from in-house frameworks to Groovy-era microservices and more recently, moving to GraphQL Federation.
All the changes have been made to solve problems from the previous approach. For example, the move to RxJava was to handle fanouts in a better way and the move to GraphQL Federation was to solve the issues of complexity due to RxJava.
Along with these changes, there has also been a parallel evolution in terms of Java language versions from Java 8 to 17 and now 21+. A lot of it has also been prompted by Spring Boot version 3 finally moving beyond Java 8 and forcing the entire ecosystem to upgrade.
These changes have allowed them to build more performant applications that can save CPU costs and
Overall, the theme has been towards standardization of the approach in building microservices across the organization. However, considering the constant challenges faced in operating at their scale while staying ahead of the competition, the evolution will continue.
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You know what the really incredible scale issue this article highlights? The absolutely staggering expenditure of time and resources for such a banal outcome.
To paraphrase Hayao Miyazaki, this model of online service was a mistake. I'm not bashing on FAANG, either; The company I recently started working for as a contractor is much smaller than them but it's equally wasteful: dozens of engineers just to book and manage appointments for an outpatient medical procedure — something that prior to the Internet people used to manage just fine by ringing up their local clinic and making an appointment with the receptionist. How on earth is this an improvement for humanity or the public, or even the patients? I understand the value proposition to the company —and the value proposition to my bank account which feeds and keeps a roof over my family — but I fail to understand the genuine need and benefit for end users or clinicians, really. What a time to be alive!
Netflix has always been at the cutting edge of high performance streaming. Curious if other streaming platforms like Disney+ or HBO have made the same R&D investments as Netflix to stay performant. Netflix just seems so much further ahead.