Under The Ultimate Software Architect Roadmap, Data and Analytics, I would have included "OLTP". Probably not a lot of new architecture in transaction processing but I'd bet there are thousands of architects and developers working in the area every day and the systems need to respond to changing requirements.

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TLS, HTTPS, Encryption are redundant. So, https is a subset of TLS and both together are subset of encryption. I don't think it was needed to specify each seperately. Encryption was enough.

Likewise, Oauth largerly depends on JWT.

Network Security, Security Monitoring, Web / DB / API security, could have been better substitues.

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I would spell communications with an S. That's why we shorten it to comms.

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Great roadmap, the only thing constant in development career is learning :-)

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I love this animated chart. Where can I download it?

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I loved the 11 step to go from junior to senior develop, sometimes I sow much more technology and I don't know the better manner to keep following...your news letter help too much

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NFRs is missing. You need to include knowledge of NFRs.

Also ADRs. I know that in some Organizations it is the Enterprise Architect who looks after ADRs, but smaller Organizations can expect Software Architects to define and manage ADRs.

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