Would like to see a further breakdown of the Stack Overflow system. I feel it may be oversimplified in the diagram, for instance, there must be a reverse proxy to distribute traffic between the different web servers?

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Can we have a further detailed evaluation of pros and cons of wide column DB, and which use case is the best to use them? Thanks

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I like how simple the architecture of Stack Overflow is. Although it likely has extra blocks (for example, Kai mentioned below the reverse proxy to distribute the traffic between the six Web servers), it demonstrates how simple solutions can scale. The monolith doesn't get much traction nowadays, however I do recall DHH's The Majestic Monolith blog post (https://m.signalvnoise.com/the-majestic-monolith/), which Stack Overflow architecture is just an example of: use the right level of tech to solve the problem at your scale. Don't over-engineer it.

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What tool do ya'll use to create these flowcharts?

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maybe you could try processon.io

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