Regarding the passive fanout, how are the passive connection and active connection detected?

Does the session process handle it? Does the client send a message to guild/session when it is turned from foreground to background?

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Excellent case study! I love the "Maxjourney" internal group name 😁

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You might be interested in C10M. It's the evolution of the 90's C10K problem, which is about dealing with large concurrent connections on servers. C10M was solved on a $5k PC in 2013. We've had a lot of hardware advances since 2013, and servers are more powerful than a $5k PC, so 15M shouldn't be the limit. A machine where all but 2 cores has no interface with a standard OS, and with no black-box library calls, you could do a lot more. Especially if you can utilize SIMD. But great job getting this far.

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I really thought that they were using kafka for the streaming.

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