Sitemap - 2024 - ByteByteGo Newsletter
EP143: DNS Record Types You Should Know
The Sidecar Pattern Explained: Decoupling Operational Features
How Statsig Streams 1 Trillion Events A Day
EP142: The Fundamental Pillars of Object-Oriented Programming
Database Performance Demystified: Essential Tips and Strategies
How Tinder Recommends To 75 Million Users with Geosharding
EP141: How to Ace System Design Interviews Like a Boss?
Mastering Modern Authentication: Cookies, Sessions, JWT, and PASETO
My NEW book, Coding Interview Patterns, is now available on Amazon
How LinkedIn Customizes Its 7 Trillion Message Kafka Ecosystem
EP140: HTTP/1 -> HTTP/2 -> HTTP/3
Stateless Architecture: The Key to Building Scalable and Resilient Systems
A Crash Course on Using AI to Save Time and Focus on What Matters
EP139: Design a Live Streaming System
Distributed Caching: The Secret to High-Performance Applications
Uber’s Billion Trips Migration Setup with Zero Downtime
Our New Book, Generative AI System Design Interview, Is Now Available
Speedrunning Guide: Junior to Staff Engineer in 3 years
Storing 200 Billion Entities: Notion’s Data Lake Project
A Pattern Every Modern Developer Should Know: CQRS
How McDonald Sells Millions of Burgers Per Day With Event-Driven Architecture
EP136: The Ultimate DevOps Developer Roadmap
Why Executives Seem Out of Touch, and How to Reach Them
1.8 Trillion Events Per Day with Kafka: How Agoda Handles it
EP135: Big Data Pipeline Cheatsheet for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud
Event-Driven Architectural Patterns
Uber Reduces Database Lock Time by 94% with Major MySQL Fleet Upgrade
EP134: What do Amazon, Netflix, and Uber have in common?
Data Sharing Between Microservices
How Uber Manages Petabytes of Real-Time Data
CAP, PACELC, ACID, BASE - Essential Concepts for an Architect’s Toolkit
How TikTok Manages A 200K File MonoRepo with Sparo
EP132: Big O Notation 101: The Secret to Writing Efficient Algorithms
The Trillion Message Kafka Setup at Walmart
EP131: How Uber Served 40 Million Reads with Integrated Redis Cache?
Software Architecture Patterns
How Uber Scaled Cassandra for Tens of Millions of Queries Per Second?
EP130: Design a System Like YouTube
How Netflix Warms Petabytes of Cache Data
EP129: The Ultimate Walkthrough of the Generative AI Landscape
How Shopify Manages its Petabyte Scale MySQL Database
EP128: The Ultimate Software Architect Knowledge Map
A Crash Course on Scaling the Data Layer
Millions of Requests Per Hour: SoundCloud’s Microservices Evolution
EP127: 20 Popular Open Source Projects Started or Supported By Big Companies
A Crash Course on Load Balancers for Scaling
EP126: The Ultimate Kafka 101 You Cannot Miss
A Crash Course on Scaling the API Layer
Trillions of Indexes: How Uber’s LedgerStore Supports Such Massive Scale
EP125: How does Garbage Collection work?
A Crash Course on Architectural Scalability
Counting Billions of Content Usage at Canva
A Crash Course on Microservices Design Patterns
How Facebook Syncs Time Across Millions of Servers
EP123: What is a Load Balancer?
A Crash Course on Domain-Driven Design
How Stripe Scaled to 5 Million Database Queries Per Second
EP121: 9 Essential Components of a Production Microservice Application
A Crash Course on Relational Database Design
Where to get started with GenAI
EP120: What do version numbers mean?
A Crash Course on Distributed Systems
EP119: What do Amazon, Netflix, and Uber have in common?
A Crash Course in Database Scaling Strategies
EP118: What are the differences among database locks?
A Crash Course in Database Sharding
How Netflix Manages 238 Million Memberships?
EP117: What makes HTTP2 faster than HTTP1?
A Crash Course on Microservice Communication Patterns
Scaling to 1.2 Billion Daily API Requests with Caching at RevenueCat
EP116: 11 steps to go from Junior to Senior Developer
A Crash Course on Cell-based Architecture
How PayPal Scaled Kafka to 1.3 Trillion Daily Messages
EP115: Life is Short, Use Dev Tools
A Crash Course on Content-Delivery Networks (CDN)
EP114: 7 Must-know Strategies to Scale Your Database
The Scaling Journey of LinkedIn
EP113: AWS Services Cheat Sheet
How Slack Built a Distributed Cron Execution System for Scale
Cloudflare’s Trillion-Message Kafka Infrastructure: A Deep Dive
How Facebook served billions of requests per second Using Memcached
EP111: My Favorite 10 Books for Software Developers
HTTP1 vs HTTP2 vs HTTP3 - A Deep Dive
100X Scaling: How Figma Scaled its Databases
EP110: Top 5 Strategies to Reduce Latency
Unlocking the Power of SQL Queries for Improved Performance
How to Execute End-to-End Tests at Scale
EP109: Top 6 Tools to Turn Code into Beautiful Diagrams
What Happens When a SQL is Executed?
How Uber Built Real-Time Chat to Handle 3 Million Tickets Per Week?
EP108: How do we design a secure system?
A Crash Course in API Versioning Strategies
How PayPal Serves 350 Billion Daily Requests with JunoDB
EP107: Top 9 Architectural Patterns for Data and Communication Flow
Embracing Chaos to Improve System Resilience: Chaos Engineering
Reddit's Architecture: The Evolutionary Journey
EP106: How Does JavaScript Work?
Evolution of Java Usage at Netflix
A Crash Course in IPv4 Addressing
How Uber Uses Integrated Redis Cache to Serve 40M Reads/Second?
EP104: How do Search Engines Work?
A Brief History of Scaling Netflix
EP103: Typical AWS Network Architecture in One Diagram
15 Open-Source Projects That Changed the World
A Deep Dive into Amazon DynamoDB Architecture
EP102: Encoding vs Encryption vs Tokenization
The Top 3 Resume Mistakes Costing You the Job
Automated Bug Fixing at Facebook Scale
EP101: Top 3 Things You Should Know About Webhooks
How Video Recommendations Work - Part 1
A Brief History of Airbnb’s Architecture
EP99: What is the best way to learn SQL?
Virtualization and Containerization: Which one to pick?
EP98: GitOps Workflow - Simplified Visual Guide
How do We Design for High Availability?
EP97: 10 Good Coding Principles to Improve Code Quality
EP96: A cheat sheet for system design
Mastering Design Principles - SOLID
EP95: Linux File System Explained
Netflix: What Happens When You Press Play - Part 2
How Discord Serves 15-Million Users on One Server
EP93: Is Passkey Shaping a Passwordless Future?